Moses Chan loses Aimee Chan, ends up 'walking down aisle' with Law Lan

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Moses Chan, Aimee Chan, Kenny Wong, Law Lan, Edwin Siu and Samantha Ko attended the promotional event for TVB series The Last Steep Ascent at Wong Tai Sin. The cast celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival with all the residents there and played 'wedding' games. Initially everyone wanted Moses and Aimee to pair up for the wedding game to walk down the aisle together with a red flower bouquet. However, Moses ended up paired with Law Lan. As a result, Law Lan felt very loved and blew a kiss to Moses "I really do like him. He's a great help in the series!"

When it was Edwin's turn pick a partner from the hat, he expressed he hopes to get Samantha Ko, "I want a happy Mid-Autumn Festival." However, he ended up with Aimee and joked: "Of course I'm happy to have Aimee, but with Ah Mo (Moses) around, I'm not as happy." Then Edwin had to choose another partner to play the piggy back game, he ended up picking his wife from the series (Yvonne Ho), but he joked and shouted she was too heavy. When Aimee and Moses were asked to take pictures together, they were embarrassed and Aimee dragged Kenny Wong into the picture.

Aimee later explained: "Because Kenny and I are a pair in the series, so that's why I pulled him into the picture. (Ah Mo didn't pick you for the wedding game, are you disappointed?) It's just a game. I wanted to get Law Lan too!" As for Moses, he said awkwardly: "We're not playing a game now, you all are playing us, but luckily I chose Law Lan otherwise it would be a big deal. (Afraid Aimee's going to be jealous?) No, just playing, promotion." When speaking of Mid-Autumn Festival, Aimee was happy to be able to spend the holiday with Ah Mo. Asked how they'll be celebrating the night together? Aimee laughed and covered her mouth: "I'm not telling you!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Admin 01 Oct, 2012

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Kathy Chow & Julien's French Kiss Entertaining Their Guests

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Kathy Chow and Julien tied the knot yesterday (Sept. 29th) in the romantic old town of Grasse, France. There were tears and laugher throughout the wedding ceremony, especially for the bride Kathy, who was overjoy and teared up nonstop. Even her bridesmaid and younger sister Niki Chow was crying along with her.

Kathy had on a Elie Saab low-cut wedding dress valued at HK$500,000 and a Cartier wedding ring. It was an outdoor wedding ceremony held at 5pm in France, but it was a cloudy forecast with some rain. Before the wedding began, there was some light rain, but when the wedding officially started, the sky suddenly turned clear as if it was sending a blessing to the newly weds. When the bride saw her family and friends coming from afar to witness her marriage, she started getting emotional and teared up.

The most touching moment was when Julien's father made his thank you speech, they also explained the reason to the "White Party" theme at the welcome dinner. He said: "I really like Asia, that was why I sent Julien to Hong Kong to experience it. I gave Julien some money to buy clothes, and unexpectedly he bought an all-white suit and wore it to work. It was just too funny."

Julien's father continued: "Kathy has a very cute personality, and she's beautiful. Our entire family loves her, she is our bridge, who helps us understand more of Chinese culture." Then the father exposed his son's personality of always wanting to win, never want to lose. He said: "So, I'm really grateful that Kathy is able to withstand my naughty son." Kathy teared up once again in response. After the wedding ceremony, the newly weds and their guests held another party nearby and cut the giant Macaroon wedding cake.

Niki cries and laughs during her speech

Niki was her sister's bridesmaid and had to make her thank you speech in French, which was a great challenge for her. Niki already got the speech memorized and started out very well, she spoke smoothly and comfortably. However, she suddenly blanked out because she started getting emotional and her speech turned stiff as tears came rolling down. When she completed her speech, Niki started laughing again and said in Cantonese, "I'm finally done!" followed by a burst in laughter. Kathy and Julien were standing besides her and couldn't help but to start laughing with her.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Admin 01 Oct, 2012

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Wayne Lai offered 7 figures to portray 'Beggars' Sect CEO' in Malaysian Film

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Currently, Wayne Lai has been accepting one series after another at TVB. This year, The Confidant is also a TVB anniversary series, giving him another opportunity to take the TV King title for the third time. As Wayne's series had been popular hits in Malaysia, recently a local filmmaker has considered to cast him in the film Beggars' Hero. It was understood, Wayne is paid a high salary of 7 figures. Wayne will be heading over to Malaysia to discuss with the director on the details and hold a press conference. The film is estimate to begin shooting late October.

Reporters contacted Wayne to confirm. When asked if its true he's offered 7 figures for this film? He laughed: "That is a business secret. After all, I'm very satisfied with the pay." He reveals the reason he accepted this film was not only because of the good pay, but mainly because the Malaysian filmmaker had sincerity, "Actually I was still considering before because I'm going to be very busy after the anniversary. I have to take part in several TVB anniversary activities, work on the sales presentation and promote for The Confidant. However, they were really good about it. They said it's not a problem, whenever I need to go back and work in HK, they will accommodate my schedule. They have so much sincerity, how can I turn them down?"

Wayne frankly expressed he has never participated in a Malaysian film before, but hopes he can create sparks with the local artists there. He said: "Actually HK films are a little saturated, not many new shocks. The films with big cast is not for us to be hoping for, so that's why when offers came in before, I didn't have much interest." It was understood, Wayne will portray the modern version of 'Beggars' Sect Chief'. When asked if he's afraid shooting this film may get difficult? He said: "Nope, it is stated clearly that we will be shooting at most 12 hours. To us, who are used to shooting TV series, it is not considered too difficult."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Admin 01 Oct, 2012

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Shirley Yeung Upset Reporters Taking Pictures of Daughter, Police Involved

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Last year Shirley Yeung broke up with Gregory Lee and then dated Andy Ng. Earlier this year in March, she gave birth to a baby girl in the U.S and returned to HK as a single mother. The other night as Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, many families big and small go out to restaurants to celebrate. Reporters spotted Shirley with her daughter, parents and relatives at a restaurant in Cheung Sha Wan.

The attention was centered around Shirley's daughter. Baby Kristal was sitting in the stroller smiling and in a very good mood. The chubby Kristal's eyes were rolling around and looked very cute. She is starting to look more and more like Andy Ng. Shirley was seen chatting with her relatives, but was unwilling to take off her sunglasses. When the other guests at the restaurant recognized Shirley and started staring at her, she appeared unnatural and stayed in her seat for the majority of the time.

Snatches Reporter's Camera

Shirley's mom took care of Krystal while Shirley went to pick up the car in the garage. When Shirley got her car, she discovered that there were reporters around. She suddenly turned tense and quickly called her mother to notify her of the reporters. Initially Shirley's mom planned to take the taxi home, but then she ended up waiting for Shirley's car with baby Krystal. When Shirley came with the car, she was already agitated as she got out of the car shouting at reporters to stop taking pictures. Then she questioned a reporter: "Why are you taking pictures of me?" The reporter repeatedly apologized to her and explained it is just part of their job. As Shirley was pretty upset, her father tried to protect her and without a sound, he charged forward and blocked reporters from taking pictures and attempted to snatch the camera from the reporter. Shirley's mother carried Krystal into the car and then soon after, Shirley's father called the police for assistance.

Calls the Police

When the police got to the scene, Shirley's emotions recovered, but she still said frustrated: "I'm just having a Mid-Autumn Festival meal with my family!" Reporters also responded that they just coincidentally bumped into Shirley and her family, and did not deliberately try to disturb them. When a reporter mentioned the day before, they bumped into Sonija Kwok with her daughter, and she generously stood still for pictures. Shirley immediately said: "I'm different from her!" Then she rushed into the car and left.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Admin 01 Oct, 2012

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Wong Cho Lam Receiving 'Outstanding Young Person' Is Like Getting Married

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Wong Cho Lam and Jade Kwan both received this year's 'Outstanding Young Persons'. He received the award in a smart suit. Girlfriend Leanne Li accompanied Cho Lam's mother to support him at the event. Cho Lam was also given something by the organizer to raise him to a higher level, making it convenient to receive the award, which immediately caused everyone to laugh. He thanked the Heavenly Father and his family. When asked why he did not thank his girlfriend, he said, "I also thanked her. Today is like getting married. Everyone congratulated me and congratulated Leanne. (When are you getting married?) Let her see whether I'm well-behaved or not first. (Nominate your girlfriend?) She has to see me as a role model".

Source: the-sun
Translated by: hyn5 @ 幸而城 Fortunate City

Admin 01 Oct, 2012

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Teresa Mo and Karena Yu consider themselves Mother and Daughter

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Teresa Mo Shun Kwan and Karena Ng Chin Yu yesterday attended the film LOVE IN PYJAMAS (NAM YUN YU YI FOK) press conference in Guangzhou. She admitted that she treated Ng Chin Yu like her own daughter. "In real life, Chin Yu and my older daughter are only a year apart. In terms of looks and behavior they are very close, so playing emotional scenes with her feels very comfortable." Ng Chin Yu thanked this pretty mother for constantly teaching her about acting and greatly increasing her confidence. The host suggested for her to make her a mentor. Mo Shun Kwan said, "No need, we are already too much like mother and daughter. This relationship is even closer than master and disciple."

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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Aaron Kwok and Tony Leung Ka Fai has acting rivalry

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Tony Leung Ka Fai and Aaron Kwok Fu Sing earlier won the Hong Kong Film Award and the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor. They in the new release next month COLD WAR (HONG JIN) will face off again. Sing Sing revealed that back then in Taiwan when he competed with Ka Fai for Best Actor and he was announced the winner, Ka Fai immediately embraced him and patted his shoulder to congratulate him. Ka Fai admitted that they appreciated each other and joked that after working with him he elevated Sing Sing, which forced Sing Sing to admit that he had to improve more to face strong co-stars.

Ka Fai and Sing Sing worked together on THROW DOWN. Almost nine years later they worked together again on COLD WAR. In the film they both played deputy police commissioners in a life and death rivalry. Sing Sing revealed that he and Ka Fai worked on one scene over 20 times, which gave him his fill of acting fun. Sing Sing said, "In Mainland slang it was completely like 'acting racing'. The directors said that we were able to take it to the furthest, which made we feel the directors had expectations and were not scared off by my and Ka Fai's fame!" Sing Sing pointed out that that day after finishing that scene's final take and the directors yelled cut, the entire set applauded. Sing Sing admitted that he had a sense of success; Ka Fai also boasted that the scene was as exciting as the recent U.S. Presidential debate between Obama and Romney. Ka Fai confidently said, "This proves that we are not aiming high and shooting lower, everyone has the same idea and both were able to do it!"

Ka Fai looked back at working on Wong Kar Wai's ASHES OF TIME (DUNG CHE SAI DUK) and did not understand why it took over 100 takes. He joked that it definitely broke a world record. He pointed out that he did not understand Wong Kar Wai's state of mind either. However Ka Fai pointed out that "acting race" scene had dialogue exchanges that were like an action film. Sing Sing added, "Our battle of words might be more exciting than using real guns and bullets!" Ka Fai also said, "We appreciate each other!"

Ka Fai also pointed out that in the 90s, Sing Sing already became the Four Great Heavenly Kings and the King of Dance soon after joining the business. He expected him to step into the film industry and admitted that at the time he made faces at him. Yet, from Sing Sing's first film to his later character and script choices, he observed that he was not someone who would take the money and run. Finally his eyes were opened. Ka Fai said, "I watched one of his films after another, from DIVERGENCE (SAM CHA HAU), AFTER THIS OUR EXILE (FU JI) he was so handsome yet he still chose such hard to play characters. I have also seen the script of AFTER! Reportedly he had to take a pay cut for AFTER, later I gradually understood that he was an actor who put an effort into his acting!" Sing Sing said that Ka Fai was a natural born actor and Best Actor. He said, "I feel Ka Fai over the years has never repeated himself, he is also one of my favorite Hong Kong actors!"

Sing Sing in 2006 with DIVERGENCE competed with Ka Fai's ELECTION (HAK SEH WUI) for the Hong Kong Film Award Best Actor. He understood that since Leung has already won the Best Actor three years he believed that he would be the biggest competition. However, finally Sing Sing won. Sing Sing said, "I had a shot of confidence at the Golden Horse Award, I went over to Ka Fai and he embraced me to congratulate me and patted me on the shoulder. I felt greatly encouraged!"

Source: Mingpao, Singtao
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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No pain no gain for Action Actress Angelababy

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AngelaBaby yesterday promoted the film TAI CHI in Guangzhou. In the film she had her first taste of being an action actress. During the shoot she even insisted on personally performing the stunts and got bruises all over. She said, "With fight scenes injuries are definite. At first I would feel what I was covered with bruises, later I wanted to say no pain, no gain. Now I felt that it was something minor!" Today she and the team will attend THE VOICE China finale and be guest award presenters.

Source: Mingpao,
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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Peter Chan gets Batman treatment

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The Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, Tong Dawei starred Peter Chan Ho Sun film MR. CHINA earlier brought the team to shoot in New York and received special treatment from the local police. The production team shot at Times Square, Fifth Avenue and other busy areas and the police provided road blocks. No wonder onlooking fans said that MR. CHAN received the BATMAN treatment.

As the Mid Autumn Festival approaches, Huang Xiaoming's parents, Deng Chao's wife and Tong Dawei's wife and daughter flew to New York for an early reunion.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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Raymond Lam's family thinks he is gay until Mavis Pan

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The film LOVE IS PAJAMAS (NAM YUN YU YI FOK) yesterday held a promotion in Tsuen Wan. Director Vincent Kok Tak Siu, actors Raymond Lam Fung and Raymond Wong Pak Ming attended and played games with fans to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. Lam Fung said that he would celebrate the Festival with his family because all four generations were together in Hong Kong on this rare occasion. Would the elders urge him to wed at dinner? He admitted that they have and would ask whether rumors were true. He said, "I would tell them every time, if it was real I would bring them home. So far I haven't brought anyone. (Have they suspected that you are gay?) Since that (Mavis Pan Shuangshuang) they know I am not." Would he not speak of Pan Shuangshuang's name again? He only said that the past did not need to be brought up again, he did not want the media to bring up the subject again. He also said that elders arranged for matchmaking dinners but he used work as an exercise to turn them down. He felt it would be very embarrassing and tense.

Source: Mingpao,
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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Tony Leung Ka Fai recruits Eddie Peng for Son In Law

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The Stephen Fung Tak Lun directed film TAI CHI 0 two nights ago held a premiere in Taipei. Actors Tony Leung Ka Fai, Eddie Peng Yu-Yen, AngelaBaby, Stanley Fung Shui Fan attended. Fung Tak Lun's rumored girlfriend Shu Qi also guest starred. Two nights ago at the premiere host Mickey Huang asked Fung Tak Lun why Shu Qi did not attend. He said, "The film company invited her, perhaps she is too busy." Did he want to see her? Fung Tak Lun immediately practiced Tai Chi and said, "I want to see every worker."

Although his rumors with Shu Qi was the source of comedy, Fung Tak Lun was not mad at all. Mickey Huang even asked who was the best actor, Shu Qi or someone else? Fung Tak Lun against said, "Teacher Fung performed the best."

Peng Yu-Yen in the film played the villain and had a romance with Baby. Baby played a martial art master. In the film she had almost 90% of the fight scenes. She even performed the stunts personally. Two nights ago she took the chance to complain to the director and said, "Why didn't you get a stunt double for me?" Leung Ka Fai said, "Because he couldn't find such a pretty double." Leung Ka Fai said that for the film he spent over two months to study Tai Chi. When asked about Fung Tak Lun's direction, Ka Fai said that everyone would know when they watch the film.

The father of a pair of 20 year old twin daughters, Leung Ka Fai kept praising how well raised and how ambitious Peng Yu-Yen was. Finally he even joked, "I hope he would become my son in law, so I deliberately brought him home. My daughters were there, so I showed him my daughters' photos and videos."

In addition, Lollipop F at the premiere performed the Taiwan promotional song NO RUSH FOR TAI CHI. Owodog who rather admired Baby said that he has seen every one of her movies and admired her acting very much.

Source: Singtao
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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Just For Fun: Teddy Chan cherishes friends at his make up Wedding Banquet

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Director Teddy Chan Tak Sum and his wife earlier registered their marriage and held a wedding banquet in September. Last night they held another wedding banquet. Friends in the business like Albert Yeung Sau SIng, Peter Chan Ho Sun, Michael Hui Koon Man, Eric Tsang Chi Wai, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leung Ka Fai attended. About his friends' congratulations, Chan Tak Sum excitedly said that he already prepared a lot of red wine and swore that everyone would go home drunk. He also said, "With so many good friends I learned to cherish friends, cherish those in front of us."

Tsang Chi Wai who has been caught drunk many times arrived as early as 7PM. He joked, "I collapse when I am late, I collapse when I am early. The earlier I get drunk the earlier I come out." Mr. and Mrs. Leung Ka fai had a little trouble finding the entrance. Later with workers leading the way they finally were able to get in.

Translated by: hktopten

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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Kathy Chow marries French boyfriend, a glamorous and romantic wedding in France

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Yesterday 38 year old famous model, Kathy Chow, married her 35 year old wealthy French boyfriend Julien Lepeu in France. They had a fairytale wedding held at an ancient castle - Chateau Diter. First, the traditional tea ceremony was held in the afternoon, where the couple knelt down and gave their parents tea. Then Kathy changed into a red evening dress designed by famous designer Barney Cheng to substitute the traditional Qipao. She received at least 10 heavy weighted golden bracelets and two golden necklaces. Julien saw how 'heavy weighted' his wife was and joked: "We're rich! It's such a honor to have married this wife!" When he saw Kathy's big golden pig necklace with 6 little piglets hanging on it, he joked again: "She must have at least 6 children with me!"

During the tea ceremony, Kathy was emotional as she gave tea to her mother, then the mother and daughter embraced. Julien's parents wished the KJ couple, 'have two children in three years' after learning about the Chinese traditional customs. Soon after, the guests all requested the couple to kiss, making it a heartwarming scene. Niki Chow joked her sister's golden accessories were a "profit". Niki Chow was not only her sister's bridesmaid, but was also Kathy's beauty adviser and director as well, helping her sister do all the arrangements for that day.

In the evening, the newly weds held a welcome party, but due to the rainy weather, the location was switched to a restaurant by the sea. It was a White Party, so the dress code for the guests were all white. Kathy appeared dressed like a Greek goddess, she had such a good time and got very high after dinner. Christine Ng and her husband led everyone else on the dance floor, Julien's parents followed and then the newly weds kissed again under the romantic atmosphere.

Kathy's welcome dinner was held at the restaurant called L'Ecrin located in Port Pierre Canto. The tables had beautiful flower arrangements with white and pink colors to accommodate the 'White Party' theme. They also invited two handsome guitarist to sing French love songs while the guests had dinner. It was such a romantic wedding banquet. L'Escrin had a quiet environment and there was a private beach outside for guests to enjoy the ocean view while having dinner and wine. However, this was one expensive wedding, costing nearly HK$15 million.

Good friend Christine Ng accepted a phone interview all the way from France, she said everyone had a blast at the Welcome Dinner, "They were all in white, we took pictures by the sea and had dinner." Also, Christine delivered her 'first time' at the banquet, she prepared a speech to congratulate the couple in French. She said: "I told my brother to translate my speech into French for me and then I was continuously practicing it. In the last two days, I even asked the staff at the hotel to teach me how to pronounce the French words, I think I should get 100%! I'm such a big girl, but this is my first time, I wish them much happiness!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Admin 30 Sep, 2012

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