Raymond Lam & Michelle Ye reunites in October Mainland Drama 'The Purple Hairpin'

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According to news from Mainland, Raymond Lam and Michelle Ye are reuniting in October for new Mainland costume drama The Purple Hairpin Romance, an adaptation of The Purple Hairpin. The story sets in the Tang dynasty, revolving around singer-dancer (Fok Siu Yuk), the man dressed in yellow (Wong Sam Hak) and the scholar (Lee Yik). Raymond is portraying Wong Sam Hak. This is also Raymond and Michelle's first collaboration outside of TVB after 10 years. Following Lofty Water Verdant Bow and Eternal Happiness, this will be their third collaboration.

Additionally, Michelle will be producing and starring in this drama The Purple Hairpin Romance just as she did in Ninth Widow (第九个寡妇) and Goddess Athena (雅典娜女神). As the previous two were high quality dramas, Michelle's outstanding coordination and abilities has been complimented as well. This time, Michelle produces her third drama and is putting exceptional effort into the work. She will be using the same crew from Goddess Athena, from the director to the costume designer and art director, she has found herself a great team that has mutual understanding. She also invited famous HK scriptwriter Ka Wai Nam, who has written The Duke of Mount Deer 1984 and Beyond the Realm of Conscience, to help her with the script.

On Weibo, Michelle wrote [to Raymond]: "Welcome you in Beijing. Long time no see. smile.gif"

Source: XHBY.NET, HKChannel
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

lucychoi559 26 Sep, 2012

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