'The Last Steep Ascent' Goof: Cell Phone Lights Flicker in Moses Chan's Pocket

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Yesterday TVB series The Last Steep of Ascent broadcast episode 7, but it suddenly turned into a time traveling series. The series is set in the pre-modern era, but in one scene Tin Gor (Moses Chan) who was dressed in clothing from the Tang dynasty, suddenly had light flickering inside his pocket. The glowing 'foreign object' appears to be a cell phone. The goof instantly became a hot topic among Netizens on discussion forums. Netizens said, Tin Gor' is in fact a wealthy man and had already taken the lead in technology during the pre-modern era. Some people wondered why he was using a cell phone, while others thought the production was very careless.

Reporters re-watched the episode looking for the goof online at myTV, but that identical scene didn't have lights flickering from that 'foreign object'. Producer Lee Tim Shing explained: "Moses took his cell phone into the studio while he was filming. Although the sound was already blocked out, there was still light. We didn't notice it during the shoot, but we were aware of this problem during post-production and erased the 'light' using computers." As Netizens are actively circulating that "lighted" screen capture around, Lee Tim Sing expressed he will have to get better understanding. As the screen capture had the PPS.TV logo on it, the goof probably appeared on the Mainland version.

Lee Tim Shing expressed he is certain the Hong Kong version does not have the goof, "There will be mistakes while we are shooting, but we use computer technology to fix it. It's not difficult. Before each episode broadcasts, I will watch it 6-7 times. Sometimes there will be small issues with the computers, so I try my best to watch for mistakes. Some viewers will really focus on the goofs and set out on looking for them. During No Regrets, there were also reports on how the newspaper report in the series was inconsistent with the time period. It is all purely nitpicking. We have already changed the headline on the newspaper props. Audience are watching the series, not looking for mistakes."

Regarding the goof, Moses laughed in embarrassment: "I'm not sure what the lighted object was in the pocket because I haven't seen the scene. I had a lot of goofs because when I'm shooting in the studio, I have a lot of things on me. I have the script, cups and many other things, but I really have to say sorry!"

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Admin 29 Sep, 2012

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/csVwL/~3/CDfHACnSL3c/the-last-steep-ascent-goof-cell-phone.html
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